
Over three generations of the Blüchert family: direct and immediate support for people in need
Hamburg, Dezember 2017
Because every person counts - the Karin and Walter Blüchert Memorial Foundation has been providing direct and immediate support to people in need since the beginning of November
The publisher and benefactor Walter Blüchert met people again and again in the course of his life who, with great dedication and tireless commitment, ensured that hope and new life emerged from shards and rubble
These encounters not only shaped his personal path, but spurred him on to give something back to society as a benefactor of his own wealth.
So he donated together with his wife Karin Blüchert already donated large sums to hospitals and old people's homes over the years. Improving the living situation of the homeless beyond the borders of Hamburg was also a major concern of theirs even back then.
Later he founded the charitable foundation VISELLA in Liechtenstein, which is set up as a parent foundation for other charitable Blüchert foundations and provides them with funds according to strict guidelines. On the board of the VISELLA Foundation leads and manages Daughter Christine Blüchert your father's philanthropic legacy
Due to his close personal ties to Hamburg, it was always the founder's will to establish another foundation in Hamburg, which also direct and immediate help for people offers, but which can also promote beyond regional borders
Thus, in November 2016, the Karin and Walter Blüchert Memorial Foundation was founded, in which the Magdalena Blüchert heads the board of directors and will work single-mindedly for the implementation and sustainability of her late grandfather's will.
This includes persons who, as a result of theirs physical, mental or economic condition need a helping hand. In addition, the Karin and WalterBlüchert Memorial Foundation is dedicated to providing financial support people suffering from cancer and people with other chronic illnesses
Among the first Hamburg institutions to receive funding are the phönikks Stiftung, the Zentrum für Kinder und Jugendliche in Trauer e.V. and, as the first supra-regional institution, the Right Livelihood Award Foundation (the alternative Nobel Prize).
On 11.12.2017, the Karin and Walter Blüchert Memorial Foundation, as official sponsor of the traditional event Hamburger of the Year 2017, will present the award in the category Fairness and Courage - a matter of the heart for the Karin and Walter Blüchert Memorial Foundation, as it was also these values that served as a source of drive and motivation for Walter Blüchert in his life and influenced his founding will.
For general information and research purposes:
The Foundation’s own events:
Karin and Walter Blüchert Gedächtnisstiftung press office:
T 0800 – 22 666 506